Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hawk Mountain Migration Update for This Week

Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawks will continue to dominate the flights this week, but expect sightings of Northern Harriers, Red-shouldered and Red-tailed Hawks to increase. Merlins and Peregrine Falcons should be seen most days and there is a good chance of seeing a Golden Eagle on days with strong northwest winds.

Migration for Last Week:
Several days of rain, fog and light winds early in the week were followed by gusty northwest winds and the first big sharpie flights of fall. On Thursday, 682 sharpies were seen and another 607 on Friday. American Kestrels and Merlins also had season high counts on Thursday, 84 and 29 birds respectively. The season high count for Cooper's Hawks was set on Friday (53). The sharpie flight continued on Saturday when 362 were counted along with the first Golden Eagle of fall and the first push of Red-tailed Hawks, 86. Forty-four redtails were counted between four and 6 pm. Other highlights last week included six Peregrine Falcons on Wednesday and a Krider's Red-tailed Hawk on Friday.
Migration Reminder: Our Migration Info Line is updated every evening after 6 pm. To hear the day's count and a weather and flight prediction for the following day, call 610-756-6000 x6, or, monitor the Hawk Mountain Facebook Page (click here). You also can see the day's count on  http://www.hawkmountain.org/, which is updated every evening on the home page.http://www.hawkmountain.org/

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